Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Fine Champagne and Ball Room Dancing! lmfao

I feel the need to write about Saturday's events cause it was insanely fun and really funny! lol Well my day started out bright and early because I thought I would be driving up to Port Hawkesbury in the morning but couldn't leave until 1pm. Me, mom and Kim leave for the Hawk and I am flying cause I know I have NO time to spare if I wanna get back and have people over. I bought a damn futon and some curtains and jammed the whole thing into the van (thank God I had a van, lol) I stopped by Jim Guy's house for some paint and stuff and then fly home yet again. On my way I call Janny Pooh and she sounds upset. She says she doesn't want to go out cause she had a shitty day and what not, I told her she is coming out even if I have to drag her, it's her bday and we are gonna have a blast! I get home at around 8ish and Kim grabs a shower. I have some beer and then I get a shower and get ready. Jan arrives and she is in a great mood! Yay! lol Then Matt, Winter and Rick show up as well. We play some cards, drink, chat and get all dolled up. Meanwhile my phone rings and it's the loons in South Bar! lol They want us to come down Johnny's new pad but we said for them to come down and drink here...Robbie says "We will be down in 20 minutes!" lol Yeah sure! So we get drunk and my dear mother drives us drunks to Hermans. Inside we drank, danced, mingled and had a friggin BLAST! Lil Kim was hammered! hahahaha Oh God, we are BAAAD influences! We ran into our ever so gracious FLAMES and laugh our asses off. Stevie is nuts I tell ya! lol Literally! bahahaha We lost Winter so me, Jan, Kim, Robbie and Johnny go outside to look for them but they are gone. I use Johnny's cell and give her a dingle. She has her car and comes and picks us up, but wait, Johnny says he's hungry and wants to get a hot dog, so does Jan, so off they go and we wait in Neo. As we wait we see some dude come up and kock on Rick's side window, he rolls it down and says his friend wants to talk with him. We get a bad feeling about this so me and Wint get outta the car. We still don't know what buddy was going on about but all I remember is me saying "Come on asshole, I will beat you and your skanky girlfriend!" lmfao Winter says some things to him and all he could do was back off and his little skank of a gf keeps saying "Come on, let's go! Just leave" I also remember Brent saying "Holy shit man, they are crazy! I know them girls, they are nuts" hahahaha Meanwhile Jan and Johnny are oblivious to what is going on so Jan asks him "Johnny what the hell is going on?" his response "I don't know but I think i'm beating somebody up!" BAHAHAHAHA LOL So we leave the bullcrap at the hotdog stand and head on our merry way. Kim goes home and I grab 6 beer, a bag of Doritos and a Gianormous bottle of champagne. Wint drops us loons of at Johnny's and her and Rick head home. Well it's now like almost 5am and we are NOT done drinking...oh no! Me and Jan polish the whole bottle of Spumante ourselves and are thirsty for more! lol We drank all the six beer and eat some chips along with blueberry pie and McCaine deep and deloush cake??? lol Ah sick! We sit out in the rain and chat, Robbie pukes and looks for his keys, we danced in the living room and took some hot pics that I will post for sure! lol We don't go to sleep, well Johnny tries to go to bed but for some reason wakes up every 5 minutes and comes out to shoot the shit! lol It's now 11:30am the next day and we are STARVED!!! Johnny is outside gabbing away with his friend, his neighbour is driving around on his ride-on lawn mower, beer in hand! lol So dear Johnny takes us to Scotch Ronnies and off to Timmy's to eat it. Thank God my windows are tinted! What you can't eat without tinted windows? BAHAHAHAH Men just don't understand! Mikey shows up and we chat for a bit then off for home. I must add that I am running on ZERO sleep but some how manage to stay away till about 3am that Sunday night. Crazy we are but all in good fun! Can't wait to do it again! Signing off... Lowie DuShwawlie


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's klump/swidge/blue/swidgebowl,watever u guys call me now weak still from the and dad drivin through south bar hung over...hahah that was funnie.Johnny buyin us shots..aww he rox the box of chicken..i missed a good time at his place i was informed...maybe next time i will be "allowed" to go hahah nite guys!

Thursday, July 14, 2005 12:10:00 AM  
Blogger Winter Devoe said...

Bahah Love it!! now that i think of it , Saturday was fun. I wish we had of went into JOhnny's with ya's..........Maybe next Time!!

IM MOVING TO THE PIER(party at out place)

Thursday, July 14, 2005 11:17:00 AM  
Blogger Bomber said...

HAHAHA FRIGGIN RIGHTS MY OLD (NEW) HOODIE NEIGHBS!!! lol Lend me some suger, I am yo neighbour!!! lmfao

Friday, July 15, 2005 11:17:00 PM  

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