Monday, August 16, 2004

Back on Track

Ok, so I've been lost in cyber space for the past like 2 weeks! lol Well actually I've been camping in Halifax. Last Thursday (August 5th) Jim came down and got me and Kim and we spent the night in Louisville. Friday comes and we pack up all our shit (so much stuff we had to take the trailer! lol) and head to Elmsdale (bout 20 minutes outside of Halifax) We didn't arrive there till really late (like 10pm) and we were the only losers camping in a tent! Well pardon me!!! lol The campground was a fuckin shithole just like the one in Inverness. It was more of a RV park than a tent campground, but whatever. So we set up the 2 tents and Jean-Guy went to visit his friends that were there and me and Kim stayed behind cause Joel was in bed. We sat on the picnic table, drank and played cards. lol The next morning we wake up almost floating in the rained like a BITCH and the tent was soaked! Great! It was only 7am and we had to get up, it was still raining. Jean-Guy's friend Joey came down and told us all to head up to his trailer so we did. His sweet wife cooked us all breakfast and we all got a nice hot shower...ahhhh it was great. Jean-Guy and Joey went down to the tents and tarped it over and dried up all the looked sooooo funny...just like a makins igloo! lol I got pics to show! So me and Kim get ready and head to the malls. Well we were gone for 7 hours! lmfao We had fun though...shopped till we dropped and ate delicious Chinese food. We head back to the campground and everyone was bbqing, drinking and partying. Jean-Guy's friend Mark was down from California and his sister and family had a trailer there so we had one big open party. We spent 6 days at the campground and it rained the 5 out of 6, but oh well..we were nice and dry in our Makins! lol We drank every night, ate well, shopped, swam, partied and had some campfires. The campground was so strict and shitty I will give you a little hands down on it. Showers: cost .75 cents for 6 minutes and when the 6 minutes is up you actually have to get outta the shower and put more money in the god damn machine. Fees: You have to pay even if you want to just visit a friend at the campground for a few hours...5.75 a day and if you have more than 3 ppl to a have to pay extra for each additional person. Gate: The gate closes at 11pm every night...if you want to get into the campground you have to park a mile away and walk to your site. Also if you leave the campground and try to get back in you actually have to get out of your fucking vehicle and go into the office..tell them who you are and walk back to your car so they can open the gate to let you back in. So if you leave 15 times a still have to go into the office and identify yourself 15 fucking times! Beach: What beach?? I guess you if consider a leech infested 6 inch deep river a beach! Curfews: Yep I said curfews! Everynight at 10pm the woman comes over a loud speaker and tells all the kids to put their bikes away and stay at their sites. Not to mention the campground was INFESTED with kids...loud and annoying ones too! Ones that can only scream when they talk and wake you up every morning at 6am! Noise: A loser actually drives around the whole campground in a god damned golf cart every night starting at 11pm and tells everyone to turn their music off and to keep any noise down. Me and Kim had the truck radio on Friday night and I swear to God it was so low we couldn't make out the words...cart boy comes down and tells us to turn it off...what a prick! We sat their in dead silence and played fun! Speed Limit: 10KMS!!!!!!!!!! I just don't understand some people. Jean-Guy drove like 15KMS and ppl (who don't even work there) were hollering at him to slow the fuck down. I just don't understand people like that. Just like in Inverness, Mira and on our way around the Cabot Trail...some ppl just don't mind their own business and I don't understand why the fuck not! In Inverness there was a man in a car (who did NOT work there, just a camper) who actually kept telling us to slow down and to keep the noise down. He was such a loser that he drove to our site to tell us that and tried to pretend he worked there. It was funny. On the Cabot Trail there was a look-off and me and Winter stopped for a bit...there was a baby fox roaming around so we stopped to take pics and stuff. We thought it would be a nice idea if we fed him a bit so the only thing we had was a couple of marshmallows that we gave to him. Some fucking loser from Quebec (we knew from the license plate) actually told us not to feed him and that it's against the law to do so. Why oh Why does he care? Really? He's not a Park Ranger, he's not an Animal Care-taker, he's not even a fucking Garbage why does he care if we give the starving fox a fucking marshmallow??? Ughhh makes me mad! Anyways, enough of my complaining! lol I guess all in all I had fun camping despite all the shitty happenings. I guess I would have to say the highlight of the trip was what Jean-Guy did. You know where I mentioned the whole Gate thing? Well we were sick and tired of getting out of the truck to ID ourselves so they can open it so one day we all went out for ice-cream and came back to the campground...Jean-Guy was not getting out of the truck again so he decides to do the unthinkable...a van was in front of us...yep you guessed it! The van swipes his card...the gate opens...Jean-Guy tries to sneak in behind the van. Well there's no stopping the comes crashing down on top of the truck and WHAMMO...he busted the wooden gate in pieces. GREAT!!!!!! The whole campground was packed with tons of ppl swimming in the pool and every single one of them dropped their jaws and stared in horror. I was fucking mortified! Jean-Guy had to get out, pick up the broken gate and walked into the office. The woman was like "do you want me to let you back in?" Jean-Guy was like "no, there's no need to...I let myself in!" At the time I was embarrased to tears, but now I can sit back and laugh at the whole thing. The gate was off all day getting repaired and they did fix it and put it my surprise they never even charged us. So we head back to Cape Breton on Wednesday and nothing went right for us. The boat wouldn't start, the 4-wheeler was gone to get fixed, Joel was acting up as usual and we got stuck on the St. Peter's Canal. Great! I had to be to work for 4 o-clock and it wasn't happening! I had to call in and cancel and try to re-schedule and luckily they did. So we went and picked up the bike and headed to Sydney. We pitched the tent in the backyard and camped yet again! lol We all had a blast, Matt came down everyday and we all had good times. We bbqd, drank beers, went bowling, went swimming and went to the bars on Saturday night. It was fun. It was also nice to spend some time with Jean-Guy since I never get to see him. So he stayed from Wednesday till Sunday and it was great, he had a wonderful vacation. So now it's Monday and I start work tonite at 6. Guess I'm gonna go now and watch a movie. I'll keep up on the bloggin...Until then!


Blogger Winter Devoe said...

HAhah Thats what you get for leaving me for a whole week!! what were you thinkin? Never Again Mel. lol i misssssed ya :) well im off now. tell me how ur 1st day at work was. ttyl

Tuesday, August 17, 2004 9:01:00 AM  

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