Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Sun Shiny Day

Well it's Tuesday and it's another fully beuw day in the hoodie neighbs and perhaps we might go to the beach. I'll recap the events since last Thursday when I posted. I got the job where Winter works, I go in tomorrow to pick my shifts..hmm Fri, Sat and Sun off! lol We didn't do much on Thursday night but Friday I shopped with Winter and my mother in the morning and came home, then me and Wint went to the beach all day again and it was amazing! We came home at like supper time then I took my grandmother out to the malls for a bit and didn't get home till almost 10 o'clock. I called Winter and she said she was on her way to get me, we were goin on the High Roller baby!! lol So she picked me up and we went over to the docks and boarded the boat. God love Bill...he was there having a beer and offered us some so of course we obliged! lol He was just after putting a brand spanking new engine in it and has to break it in slow so we went for a rip around the harbour and docked it close to that bomb ass schooner that was docked in the water for the past week (rumor has it that it's Paul MacCartney's boat) it was amazing..nicest boat i've ever seen. We chilled in the water for a while and drank some more beer and listened to some tunes. We returned to the warf and docked it again. We decided that we were starved so we actually ordered pizza and donairs to the boat! lol It was delicious! We ate every drop! lol So we chatted and laughed and it was about oh I dunno....3am?? Maybe later...so we packed up shop and Bill showed us how to operate the boat and how to open and close the top (we planned on sleeping there the next night after the bars and he said no problem) We left and Bill noticed he had a flat tire so we drove him home and then we went home. So that was Friday night. Saturday rolls along and it was hott as hell so we made it a beach day. We packed up some food and the bbq and me, Winter and Jan went to the Gut. My parents met us out there with Kim and my dog Sheba. We all swam and ate and had a blast. We left at about 6:30pm and went to the liqour store for some beers. We all went home and got ready (I got ready at Wint's) None of us have been to Hermans since June 5th so we decided we should go and it should be fun. It sucked cause me and Winter only drank about 3 beer each so we went down to Jaclyn's where Noah, Davinna, Curtis, Matt, Jac, Jan and Aimee were. We only stayed for about a half an hour and left for Rum Jungle. That bar was pretty good...we met up with some friends and danced a bit, the place closed and we headed to Herman's. Before we got in we got harrased by Morrison and Pittman...lol them loons! So we went in and OMG, it sucked ass!! Nobody was there...the place was dead! For a Saturday night on a long weekend, we thought the place would be jammed...but everyone had a better idea and went camping! (Just like what we were supposed to do! Grrr) So we lost Jan :( :( :( and decided to walk up the road to find her but we didn't. We went to the shitty ass Capri where we met up with Davinna, Curtis and Matt, we walked around once and left. We never even drank at Hermans or Capri it sucked that bad. We met up with 2 friends and drove them home and me and Skin went to Scotch Ronnies...lol We went home, ate and fell asleep. That was Saturday....Sunday comes and we never got out of bed till almost 2 o'clock! lol So we didn't do too much...Wint got her tire fixed yet again and I chilled with Matt all day. Wint called me at like 8ish and wanted to know if I wanted to see the fireworks in Dominion and I said sure so and me, her, Kim, Jan and Nick headed to the beach and watched the amazing fireworks, they were great. We came back and ate and then drove Kim and Nick home and we parked over town and talked to Mikey and Tomboy till 2am and Jan had to go home. We drove her home and came back over town and chatted with the boys for a bit and we all decided to park down at the boardwalk. Well, we stayed there till 5:30am and all we did was laugh our asses off! It was hilarious! Good times, Good times! We went home and slept...Monday comes and yet again we never got out of bed till almost 2pm. lol We had to return stuff for Wint's grandmother then we called Jan and me, Wint, Jan, Nick and Kim headed to the beach yet again! We swam for 2 hours then me and Jan got stung by a God damned Jellyfish! Ouch! It hurt for like 10 minutes. After that we packed up shop and left and came home. Wint went to work and I did jack shit...lol And now it's Tuesday and I'm not sure what's on tab for today...guess we will see....till then....


Blogger Bomber said...

We want you to come with us too Jenni...get better and get out!! lol :)

Tuesday, August 03, 2004 7:15:00 PM  
Blogger Winter Devoe said...


Wednesday, August 04, 2004 6:24:00 PM  

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