Thursday, August 26, 2004

Catching Up...

Aright so it's Thursday afternoon and I'm just sitting here updating this Blog. I gotta get ready for work soon (oh fucking joy) so i'm gonna make this as quick as I can. I just wanna write about Saturday night actually cause it was probably the funniest night ever. Here goes....So Winter calls me at I think 7amish on Saturday morning...I was up at 6 getting things prepared. So her and Janet come pick me up at like 8am and we head up to Annette's. We pack her bags and I go with her in her car and we all go to Wal-Mart for some last minute shopping...or should I say thieving??? lmfao So we leave there and I drive Annette's car and Janet drives Narcoleptic's neo-phillie (bahahaha) We are on our way and me and Nette decide to stop and get a drink at a Petro-Can...or should I say Smelly-Poop-Ass-Can, lmfao Anyways...we head out and make it to Ingonish first so we decide to go into "Sew Inclined" this funky hat and clothing place. Well I think it was a bad mistake because Nette and I pissed our pants laughing at the different hats they had. We modeled several ones..the "Boob" hat, the "Aladdin" hat, the "bird" hat and the one Annette almost paid $80 dollars for...the "sexy red" hat. We have pics to show as soon as Annette uploads them (i'll be posting them for sure!) lol So we had a good time there and head off to the delicious Liqour Store where we meet up with Jan and Skin. We go in and buy tons of booze and make our way to the Hide-Away Campground. We checked in and went to Cabin 1...hmm I think Winter was still asleep cause she was having technical difficulties with the lock and key...hahahahahaha We noticed we had some neighbours who weren't at their tent so we decide to scope out the place to find out if they will mind a little noise...we investigated and found these items: Corona Box, Hatchet and THE CHRONICLE HAROLD!!! Great, we gotta move..these people are sophisticated!!! lol So we get the "RIGHT" key and head to cabin two...right next to the horse-shoe pitt! (BAD MOVE by the way) lol So we set up shop and after several mattress switching attempts later...we finally had the place all Martha Steward We had some beers and sweated our boobs off so we decided to head to the beach! So off to Black Brook Beach we go! What an experience we had and Skin did some deep sea diving and found 4 sick ass LOBSTERS!!!!!!! and they were ready to kill!!! Needless to say we jetted out of there quick! So we stayed close to shore and enjoyed the big waves that kept smashing us to the ground and washing us up on shore...some of us even lost our drawers!! lmfao To our demise we get up and noticed we actually had an audience....a clan of hott guys and girls (wait, were we on Baywatch??) lol They annoyed the flippin hell out of us...everytime a wave would come the whole mob would scream...yeah ok children if you yell at the waves they actually get bigger!!! lol There was this cool dude on the shore area doing some kind of shore surfing thing...he was good at it too. The best part was when he tried to teach this Clanna Warns to surf and she kept face planting in the sand...pretty funny!! So we head over to the Falls and wash up, then the Clanna Baywatch show up again (I swear they loved us) so we left. We get back to the cabin around 6ish and Narcoleptic decides to take a nap and we all seemed to I just tossed and turned and killed some time staring at the delicious wooden bunk bed above me that looked like it would cave in, lol. So me and Jan wake everyone up at about 8:30ish and well....Winter wasen't that easy to wake up! lol I climbed up to the loft and find her passed out with her face in the pillow and no shirt on...hahahahaha We took a pic! lol So we head to the bathrooms and get all showered and prettied up. We had some drinks and then headed off to the "NEIL'S HARBOUR LEGION"!!! Sweet! 24 dollars in cover charges later we get a drink of the sickest vodka and limes ever! The place was hurtin, but we had a ball! We danced and sang to our hearts content! I met a boyfriend....Duckie Duck Butt!!! He was hott and man he could shake what his momma gave him! lmfao The whole night me and Skin did the Duck Dance and laughed our asses off! It wasen't hard to tell we weren't from around there!!! lol So the place closes at 1am, lol and we head out. But then Janet gets a swell idea!! She goes back into the legion and invites the bartender to the Hide-Away, she tells him to bring his friends and we will have a party. Great thinking Jan!! So outside the place my boyfriend Duckie shows up with a 96 year old man and they wanted us to follow them...Winter wouldn't! :( I was sad...Duckie was leaving So we get back to the cabin and cook up a scoff!! All of a sudden Hurricane Philly comes and we end up bbqing inside the cabin. Great...the friggin smoke alarm goes off and probably woke up the whole campground!! I run over and rip if off the wall and put it outside, lol. As I was outside I noticed some car lights coming through the campground...omg can it be?? My duckie??? Sadly it wasen't... :( We send Janet outside to see if it was her bartender boyfriend and his friends...IT WAS!!!! YAY!!!! Bartender boy and his friends alright (if you mean 4 fucking cans of beer his friends!!!) He was actually alone....what a loser! So that was the biggest mistake of Janet's life....we sat there and listened to stories about legion after legion and his grandfather...we could only make out about 2 or 3 words....buddy talked with rocks in his mouth! We tried to give him the hint and we all go to bed...but guess what....HE STAYS!!!!!!!!!!! He keeps rambling on and on about God knows what! He says "I can't wait to tell my buddies I partied with 4 lesbians!" BAHAHAHAHA then he says "I don't wanna drink anymore beer....I'm scared what you guys might do to me" BAHAHAHAHAHAH LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO Buddy....really!! I burst out into tears laughing and I tell him that i'm married...he says that's a good way to be, lmfao. Winter was up in the loft and she lets out this big "Psssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh" and i was like "what was that???" she said "GOD DAMN WOODCHIPS!!!" lol really it was directed towards bartender boy and what he said, lol. So that was the highlight of the night for sure....some people just don't have a clue! Me and Skin are up in the loft and he's still here...Winter says to me "just make belief you are sleeping!" I whisper back "MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA??? and we roared then I said to her "Winter, I can't sleep...he's either gonna ROB us or RAPE us!!!" and she just dies and busts a gut laughing so bad!!! So FINALLY he takes the hint (after we are all tucked into bed and pretending to sleep) He leaves and the fun begins! lmfao Sleeping my ass...we were all wide awake! We all go to the bathroom and chat and laugh our asses off. We get back to the cabin and head to our beds....great it's thundering and lightening like there's no tomorrow!! I say to Winter in a child-like voice "Wint...I can't sleep, I'm scarred!" and she yells "GO BACK TO BED!!!" lmfao you had to be there I guess! lol So we tried to sleep through the night, not to mention we were sleeping pretty much on the roof of a complete wood house...if we get hit by lightening, we are fried...literally! So we get to sleep and something suddenly wakes me and Annette up in the middle of the wasen't the wind, it wasen't the was Winter's ASS!!!!!!!!!!!! LMFAO Well we pissed our pants laughing again and then finally get to sleep. The next day comes and Annette takes off early, she never got much sleep with Thunder Ass in the loft. lmfao So we pack up and Chef Boy R Skin cooks up a dozen eggs, pound of bacon and a whole pack of bologna...lmfao the animals ate well that day!!! So we head out and arrive at Mary Ann Falls! I was in my glory! I loved every second of it! Me and Wint dove off the cliffs, swam with the eels and had a nice shower in the was great! Jan didn't join us :( and we felt bad so we left and went to North Bay Beach...we swam for like 2 seconds and then decided to go eat the the Seagull Restaurant...WHERE'S MY DAMN GRAVY???!!!!! lol Well the fun came to an end and Narcoleptic drove home and fell asleep driving again...Jan took over. We got home at 8pm and went our merry ways. It was a blast for sure...can't wait to do it again! Until next time....


Blogger Winter Devoe said...

Bahahah Duckie Duck But!! Thats the funniest shit ever. I can't contain myself. I piss everytime I think of the weekend. It seems I remember something new everytime
..."I have a Deterioration of the Largggge Bill" LMFAO!

p/s---mel i miss you. i never see's u anymore! we have to plan another adventure

Friday, August 27, 2004 4:44:00 AM  
Blogger Annette said...

OMG..............I needed a Friday morning laugh......I'm dying here!!!!!!!!!! It's funny how everythig seems so much more funny when you read about it lmfao............I was viewing the pics last night.....I will send them to you soon. Anyway, thanks for the morning laugh.........Love Duckie lol.

Friday, August 27, 2004 9:14:00 AM  
Blogger Winter Devoe said...

Melanie is avoiding me! I think she misses duckie! She doesnt even call me anymore :( maybe I somehow remind her of him???? Could it be that I developed Cronic Duck But?? LMFAO...........mel come back to me !!!

Monday, August 30, 2004 5:47:00 PM  
Blogger Bomber said...

I must say that do pull off one hell of a duckie duck butt dance...but it's not the same :( I miss my duckie sooo much, I didn't even see him on the weekend when I was up there, I'm so dissapointed! :( I guess I should have went to the Legion after all....lmfao

Monday, August 30, 2004 5:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wholy Detailed post or what! lol

Tuesday, August 31, 2004 11:26:00 PM  
Blogger Bomber said...

The more details the better my dear!! lol

Tuesday, August 31, 2004 11:46:00 PM  

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