Tuesday, August 31, 2004


So it's Tuesday night and I'm sittin here thinking some things over. Too many things maybe. I guess when you are nothing but good to a person all you get is them shitting on you in return...but that's fine though...I know who my true friends are. It just sucks it took me this long to figure it out, or should I say.... to see people for who they really are. Sad really. But anyways, I really don't care...I'm happier than ever and for once, I am putting myself first. I just want to say have a nice life to the few friends I lost these past couple of months, I know in my heart I did nothing wrong and just wanted to say thanks for all the stabs I took in the back, physical pain hurts for a little while, but emotional pain lasts forever. So I do as I do as always and put things to the back of my mind...however I am worried that someday I will snap and it's not gonna be pretty, but I'm not thinking about that right now. Anywho on a better note, I just wanted to say thanks to my TRUE friends for being there for me as always and thanks to the love of my life Jean-Guy...I am blessed to have a man like him. So far everything has been great, for once I actually haven't had anybody try to steal him away from me and that I thank God for everday. So i'm never gonna write about shit like this again, but I felt the need to speak my mind since it is MY blog. So cheers to my friends and cheers to former friends and even family...it's been nice knowing you all....


Blogger Winter Devoe said...

Hey hun! Cheers to that. I hear ya every step of the way. Ya can forgive but never forget. Some are blinded and dont see what others actually do for them. I think its called Selfishness. But you know who counts and thats all that matters.........ciao babe

Wednesday, September 01, 2004 7:59:00 AM  

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