Thursday, July 29, 2004

Drama, Drama, Drama

Ok so it's 10:53pm and I am probably in the worst mood of my life.  I am mad at the world, yet life goes on and I know that.  I don't really want to get into details but it's just one of those days where you wish you never woke up.  It sucks.  I think I need to get seriously hammered right out of my mind.  That will fix my problems for ohhh about 6 hours. lol  On a better note, I wrote some tests and had an interview where Winter works and I passed with flying colors...just another fucking waiting process.  Why do employers in Cape Breton make you wait till you can't wait no more for work?  Doesn't make sense!  Anyways...tomorrow is around the corner and we still don't know what the fuck we are doing...I just hope it involves a LOT of BOOZE!!!!!! Until then...

Monday, July 26, 2004

Another Day at the Beach.....

Yep so we went to the beach (Mira Gut) again today.  We didn't get there till about 6pm, but man was it worth it!!  The water was crystal clear and sooooo warm it was like a bath tub!!  AND...NO JELLIES!!!!!!!!! LOL  Thank God!!  We are going to make it a day tomorrow so anybody who wants to join us...let us know!  See ya at the beach!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Ahhh, A Good Day....

Ok so today started off being a good day.  Winter and I actually were in the gay pride parade that marched around town for hours.  Yep, we sure were.  We drove around in neo-phillie and honked our horn right next to all the flamers.  Our favorite was definitely the Drag Queens!! lol Where's my queens??? lol  We drove around for over an hour anyways and ATV News was there video-taping the whole fiesta so hopefully we are now televised flamers, lol.  So the parade ended and we decided to pay tribute to our veterans so we went down the boardwalk and caught a bit of their ceremonies.  We got some fries and pop and ate upstairs of the Westminster Abbey (remind me to have atleast 15 kids by the way...JESUS CHRIST THEY WOULDN'T SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!) so we had to leave.  So we went down to the boat docks and tried to hooch a free ride on one of the schooners..but that didn't work. lol  So we called our good buddy Bill who has a sweet ass boat to see if we could go for a rip, but he was just putting a new engine in so it was a no go.  However he invited us out his farm to see his new ARABIAN Stallion (lol had to cap it) so we took the offer and headed out Prime Brook.  We got there and had some beers and admired his 2 Arabian Stallions and his Donkey named Ears. lol  We stayed there for a bit and left to come home for supper.  So now I am here pulling my fucking hair out and wanna leave...God I can't wait till the weekend!!!!!!!  Dumphies here we come!! lol

Thursday, July 22, 2004

This is my brother Chris with his kindergarten class in Korea...Isn't this the cutest pic ever??? I just had to post it! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, July 21, 2004


Ok so it's Wenesday (i know i spelled it like and I am waiting for Skin to wake up so we can go swizzling. lol  Come on Nia!!!!  Oh yeah...I'm not taking that stink ass job at Staples...fuck that shit!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

MacFuckies Campground... you all have read from Hootie's and Skin's blog you all know we went camping on the weekend.  It was was weird but alright I guess.   Jan, Jac, Aimee, Robbie and Gussie went up Friday and had a blast from what I have heard, despite the butt fucks who run the campground harassing them all night.  I went to my shit interview on Saturday and me and Skin left right after that.  We arrived at about 5 o'clock and had a grand ole time just trying to get in the God damned place.  Like Skin said..the bushwhacking Clanna gave us a hard time right off the bat.  We just wanted to go in to see what the site was all about from Aimee and them but we weren't even allowed to enter without paying the gigantic rip-off of 30 fucking dollars.  Great...we are stuck here now!  I wanted to take off to Ingonish where I am sure we would have had a better time with the DUMPHIES!! LMFAO  So we went up to the gang's site and nobody was there so we decided to set up our tent in the crap ass field that they made up stay at.  There was 2 huge weirdo guys staying next to us...and I mean weird.  Wonderful...  Anyways, we set up and by then the gang got back from the beach with 3 ginormous blown up  So we cooked and ate and I drove Jac and Jan into town to get more booze.  When we got there me and jac had to pee so we went into the Salty Dogg and had a tinkle.  When we came out Jan and 2 fellas were hollering at us and cheering us on and we were like..what the fuck?? lol Jan tells me that if I drive these 2 loons to the concert they will give me 20 bucks...sweet deals!!  They fork over the cash and I head into the beer store to buy more booze and we cram them into Skin's was hilarious..they were whacked right out of er! lol  So we arrive back at the site and drink some like 9ish good ole Johnny shows up and then the hoodie neighbs decide to join our fiasco as well.  We got warning after warning from the 2 buttwipes we so deservingly named Randy and Lahey (Trailer Park Supervisors, lol)  A lil bit later Monkey and Cleary show up and me, winter and them guys head to the beach.  I went in the water and apparently Winter did too..but I couldn't see her for the life of me.  We stayed there for a bit and drank more and then headed back up to the campsite where we had a huge rippin party.  I decided to go grab a quick I went to the bathrooms and cleaned up and when I came back to the campsite..everyone was gone.  So I sat there and drank my beer alone and went to grab another one from my cooler..but it was empty.  Not even the full quart of rum that me and winter bought was was BONE DRY.  I snapped!  I was so drunk and disoriented that I knew I probably couldn't find the beach by myself but decided to go anyways.  Luckily as I was walkin this guy came up to me and claimed to know all my friends and said he would walk me down to the beach...super.  So we get to the beach and all the loons are skinny dipping...yep buck ass naked.  lol  I was so mad though that I didn't find it funny at all...I asked Winter where my booze was and she said she didn't know.  Sean said he was drinkin the rum and that the bottle was somewhere on the beach...even better.  So it took me about 15 minutes to get the loons out of the water to find my rum and we finally did.  Meanwhile there was an even bigger party at the beach with a HUGE bonfire with guitars and singing and lots of drinking.  If I was in a better mood I would have joined them, but I didn't.  We head back to the campsite to find Monkey and Jaclyn and I don't even remember who else. lol  By then I was starved cause I had only eaten 1 hotdog all day so Monkey and Sean said they would get me and Skin something to eat.  We head to their campground where they had a pile of pizza burgers...yummm lol But one the Jesus are we gonna cook them?  Duhhh!  We didn't even have a lighter to start their bbq...great I guess we will starve then. lol  So we just decided to go to bed cause we were all tooooo drunk nobody seemed to want our drunk asses stumbling around the campground cause even the tenants were hollering at us to shut the hell up...hahahah oh well.  But I guess it was an alright night...could have been better though...Until next time...

Friday, July 16, 2004

Poor Poor Skin....Huge Nia Sin! lol

LMFAO Well I am sitting here at Skin's place and she is puking her brains out and I can't stop laughing cause she is making some damn funny noises. lol Sorry Skin! You poor baby!  I wish we could be in Inverness right about now drinking with the girls and the boyz but we are not.... :(  Oh well, we will make the best of it tomorrow night when we get there.  I hope all the ladies are having fun and drinking way too  oh and dancing on some picnic tables. lol  Yeah I have another God damn interview tomorrow so we can't leave till after that...oh well ya gotta do what ya gotta do I guess.  Poor Skin just called off work...that is a huge nia sin...oh well now she can do my hair! lmfao  Well I will be on the run all day today getting things organized for tomorrow and I will see ya'll in the Ness!!!!  Ciao

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Huge Fucking Piss-Off!!!!

Great! Got some bad news for anybody who actually cares...I can't go camping till Saturday! God Damn Staples called me today and I have another interview this Saturday at 1:30. I ever pissed. I even tried to get out of it by making up a bullshit lie how I am going to Halifax tomorrow for my nephew's christining...but it didn't work cause the General Manager is vacationing all different times this summer and the only time he will be here is this Saturday....Ughhhhhhh I was looking forward to this weekend like you wouldn't believe and now I have to make poor Skin wait till after my interview to head up to Inverness...Jeeeeezus...just my luck eh!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Just Another Day...

Yeah so today it was totally fuckin hott as hell...but I swear to God I am NOT complaining!! lol I hate the winter more than anything so I enjoy the heat in the summer. I had my interview today which went really well...I think I got the job! Sweet! So me and Skin hung out till she went to work and then she dropped me off and I was sitting here and Bozley showed up in his Beamer and we went for a coffee and a drive. I came home and played with my dog and cat outside and set up my hammock...which mind you has enough room for come on down ladies!! lmfao It's a pretty boring day really..but it's 9:38 and me and Jan are goin for a coffee (I really don't even drink coffee..I hate it, but it's really the only thing to do around this shit hole! lol) and hopefully get things organized for the big camping trip this weekend..I can't fucking wait! It's gonna be the event of the summer for sure!! See ya'll there!!!

Monday, July 12, 2004

Re-Cap of the Ho-Down! lol

So we went up to Louisville on Saturday and we were all excited to bounce around on Joel's new 14 foot trampolene...but it was rainy and shitty...oh well we watched a good movie (Monster) instead. We bought a 2-4 and drank every drop before we went to the reception. We left the house in an up-roar not to mention, and I didn't even care!!! lol I swore to God you were walking into a fucking Wal-Mart with all the clothes and make-up all over the place. lol So we got to the reception a bit late (12am) but we still had time to drink dozens of rum and sevens (I know I said NEVER AGAIN! but We really did have a private ho-down on the dance floor...ladies does any of your legs hurt today???? lol Mine are killin me!! We tapped danced, did the 2 step and even some line dancing! lol hahahaha It was a blast. We head to the local watering hole and drank some more. I stole a cool Baja Rosebudddd shot glass. Hmm oh yeah and I forgot to mention that we were on some kind of Mike Tyson trip and wanted to kick a few asses. lol Biotches don't mess wit us Pier chicks! lmfao hahahaha So I sent Winter and Janet home in a friend's car and told them to put some pizzas in the oven and make a plate of nachos cause God damn we were starved as usual!! lmfao I got there and the girls had a scoff brewing!! And Jim Guy bbq'd hot wings and snausages...god damn sick ass Frenchy's Mustard!! lmfao ahahaha Jan snuck off to bed and Wint passed out on the coach...Jim and I went to bed. The next morning I went and got Winter to come and sleep with me and we couldn't find Janet (the kids were home and we didn't want to go downstairs cause they would drive us nuts, lol) but we knew Janet was down there and we had to rescue her...but God love..the girl came up stairs and jumped in bed with us and we slept till 2pm, hahahahah We get up and Jim Guy cooked the girls hamburgers and me a grilled cheese..whatta man! lol But of course we weren't full so on the way home we stopped at Jigg's in St. Peters and ate some more, lol man we are gonna be tree-hunred and ninety-sevennnn pouns in no time! hahahaha

Friday, July 09, 2004

Ho-Down in the Sticks!!

Well it's Friday and I didn't go out last nite for Jan's surprise party with the girls...I was still feeling the effects of alcohol from Wednesday's hammer. lol I doubt we will do much tonite..maybe head down to HonnyBoz's house to play some's been a while!! BUT if all goes well with Skin's car, we are headin to Louiville tomorrow to go to some big party and get smashed again. It should be fun...haven't been up that way partying in a while and it will all be can't complain there. lol I got a call for an interview today, it's only at Staples but it will tie me over till god damn Immigration calls...jeeezzzzzus!! I hate waiting!! But anyways...I can't wait till camping next weekend, it's gonna be the best ever! I will fill in more when we get back from Louiville! Ciao....

Thursday, July 08, 2004


So the girls and I went out on the town last night and had a blast as usual. We all drank at Jaclyn's and the boyz next door came over (lol) We went to Steel City at like 12:30 and the place was jammed. We drank and drank and drank....Jac, Winter and I left at like 1:30 to head to the Rum Jungle. We drank some more..I asked for 2 White Russians and the bartender (Jordan) mixed it up and then realized he ran out of milk...delicious...he asked what I liked and I said pineapple juice so he stirred it up (it really did look like shit) and charged me a whole I said great, sounds good to me! Blahhh...sick, it was so gross I couldn't even give it away. Anyways, we danced, chatted with friends and left for the CRAPPY...ugh I hate that barrrrr. We tore up the dance floor!! We drank and drank some more and mingled around the place. We had fun. Hootie left at like 3 but me and Wint stayed till closing. We left with some friends and went to Jaspers where we polished off a plate of nachos, potato skins and a poutine!! lol We were ravished! So we all went home and yeah I actually fell asleep sitting up in a chair with my cat on my lap! lol Good times...Good times!!!

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

My beautiful kitty...I love her! Posted by Hello


Ok, so I am bored to death...someone tear me from my rut...PLEASE!!!! lol Anybody wanna do something fun this weekend??? I am up for suggestions!

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Bangor, Maine

It was June 11th, my 2 girlfriends and I went on a road trip to Bangor, Maine. Neither of us have ever been to the States and felt it was time! Man did we have a crazy, yet fun ass time! We ate, shopped, drank and partied with some pretty interesting people. We arrived on a Friday and drank some beers and chilled at the hotel. We were all just sitting around and drinking when we got some knocks on the door and we peeped through the hole and noticed a group of old biker dudes. lol They were asking for a "Maria" and Winter disguised her voice as Miss Swan and said "There's no Maria here" we laughed so hard we pissed our pants. We decided for some weird reason to let them in and it was one great decision made. They were awesome!! They were actually from Nova Scotia and offered to take us on their bikes! We passed and chose to drink more. One man actually left and came back with freshly picked flowers courtesy of the hotel lawn and 2 40 ouncers of Budweiser. lol I would have to say their ages ranged from late 40's to mid 60's but they had the spirit of 18 year old boys. They made us laugh and shared some life was truly a wonderful experience meeting them all. So that was Friday...Saturday comes and we head to the malls early...we shopped till we dropped...literally! lol Annette was ready to hit the floor! lol We come back to the hotel and to drink and get ready. The locals told us about the best bar in just so happened to be right across the parking lot of our hotel...SWEET!! Not to mention the Irving Gas Station that sold plenty of booze that was behind the can't get any convenient then that! So anyways, we drank and head over to Barnaby's. It was a great had the biggest dance floor i've ever seen and it was jam packed with hotties!! lol So crazy ass Winter met a slew of guys and Annette and I mingled. We drank, and drank some was great. We were walkin back to the hotel and noticed a crew of guys and girls following us...just so happened they are staying at our hotel. Another group of fellas were tagging along from Boston. We got to our room and drank, laughed, chatted and took some crazy ass pics. We got complaint after complaint that we simply ignored until the second wrap on the door came...holy shit it's the State Troopers and they are PISSED!!! They busted in and busted up our party...great!! They flipped and gave us 5 minutes to pack ALL our shit, which mind you, was all OVER the hotel room. Wonderful...3 young girls, drunk as skunks and FAR FAR away from home gettin the boot by 2 state troopers and we have NO where to go. I must say, the cops in the States are pure DICKS with no compassion for anything. They didn't care what happened to us as long as we didn't step foot on the property after we left. We had to put all our stuff in the rental and walk on the interstate to the Irving (we weren't even allowed to walk across the parking lot..they made it clear that if we did we were going to jail...lovely) So we go to the Irving, by then I am sobering up with anger, but Winter and Annette seem to find the whole situation hilarious...which angered me even more. So we go to the Irving and ask the worker and her friend where we can go at 4am. They told us about a local truck stop that's open 24 hours. So we get a cab and head there. We arrive and Winter finds it even more amusing to sing out loud into a ketchup bottle and Annette just laughed to kill herself. Meanwhile I am so pissed off I leave and go for a walk by myself. Thank god I am sober by now..who's gonna take care of the 2 drunk loonatics???? But me of course!! So I try to call Jean-Guy and what a mission that was...try after try after try I finally wake him up only to have him hang up in my ear due to the operator making her introduction to the "collect call". Great! So I try once more and FINALLY I reach him! I chatted with him for a bit and decided it was fine for me to drive. So I get the crew and we get a cab back to the hotel parking lot. Winter is passed out by now. I went back into the hotel to apologize and to see if we left anything in the hotel room. Waste of time...stupid of me to forget how ignorant and un-friendly Americans were. Anyways, so I get changed in the car and start our mission back to Canada. It's 5am, Winter is sleeping on the back seat, Annette is trying to sober up, I am driving with NO sleep and a head full of anger and confusion. Needless to say...we made it back to our great country we call Canada and boy was I glad to be home!! Now it's a month later and all we can do is sit and laugh and look at the remaining pics we do have left. (One of the lovely Boston guys stole one of our cameras..gotta love those Americans!!!!!) On a better note...I would go back in a flash!! ;)

Travel Lodge in Bangor, Maine. Note the bed falling trough the roof! lol Posted by Hello

New To This Shit

Ok guys, I am sitting here bored outta my mind as usual and decided to make my very own BLOG!!! YAY lol My life....can be totally fun.....can be totally boring, depends on the day I guess. lol goes nothing..... :)